Canine Flu Season
What you need to know about Canine Flu New Service Areas: Pet Sitting Canton, MI Pet Sitting Plymouth, MI Pet Sitting Northville, MI Pet Sitting Novi, MI Pet Sitting Belleville, MI Pet [...]
Breed specific exercise
What breed of dog do you have? In today's society, most breeds are house pets now, but in their ancestry they were bred for a purpose. For example sporting dogs were bred to flush out [...]
New Puppies!
When you have new puppies, they take some extra work with training and routines and Zen Paws Pet Sitting can help! New Service Areas: Pet Sitting Canton, MI Pet Sitting Plymouth, [...]
How do you feed your pets?
There is a lot of controversy on how to feed your pets. Do you put food down and let them graze? Are they social eaters and only eat when you do? Do you measure out [...]
Covid 19 updates
Learn how Zen Paws Pet Sitting is here to help you during Covid 19 New Service Areas: Pet Sitting Canton, MI Pet Sitting Plymouth, MI Pet Sitting Northville, MI Pet Sitting Novi, [...]
A happy dog through positive reinforcement
Why train your dog? Dogs are pack animals and you are their Alpha. They need to know what you expect and what the consequences of bad behavior are. Training also makes your relationship with your [...]