
Looking for info on how to care for a new or senior pet?

Looking for info on how to care for a new or senior pet? Puppies and senior pets have unique needs. When you have questions feel free to call us or visit our blog page on our web site at   New Service Areas: Pet Sitting Canton, MI Pet Sitting Plymouth, MI Pet Sitting [...]

By |2021-11-10T18:49:18+00:00August 13th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

Do you have freshwater or saltwater fish?

  Do you have freshwater or saltwater fish?   You can't take fish to a kennel while you are on vacation. Zen Paws Pet Sitting has trained staff to care for your fish while you are away. Contact us for details.           Now serving: Dog Walking Canton, MI Dog [...]

Do you have multiple pets?

When you have multiple pets it's hard to get friends or family to care for them and you can't take them to the kennel. Zen Paws Pet Sitting staff is trained and can care for all your pets.       New Service Areas: Pet Sitting Canton, MI Pet Sitting Plymouth, MI Pet [...]

By |2021-11-10T18:49:19+00:00March 30th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments

How to use treats as rewards

We always suggest measuring and feeding your dog a specific amount at routine times each day. That way they will maintain their weight, and you will hold your position as the pack alpha. When using treats as rewards we suggest using the normal food that the pet always eats, so you don't upset their stomach [...]

How many pet sitters do you think we interview before we hire one?

At Zen Paws Pet Sitting we take our business seriously. You are trusting our pet sitters with your fur babies and in your homes! We interview an average of 100 applicants before we hire one. Out of the one ones we hire only one of three make it through our training program. We want to [...]