Overnight Pet Sitting

Caring for your pets in extreme weather

If it's super hot or super cold we take special precautions to care for your pet. https://youtu.be/jaZYIjMpnYk       Now serving: Dog Walking Canton, MI Dog Walking Plymouth, MI Dog Walking Northville, MI Dog Walking Novi, MI Dog Walking Belleville, MI Dog Walking South Lyon, MI Dog Walking Westland, MI Dog Walking Livonia, MI [...]

What is Zen Paws Pet Sitting doing to keep your pets safe and your house secure?

What is Zen Paws Pet Sitting doing to keep your pets safe and your house secure? https://youtu.be/l27y4rWc8As Now serving: Dog Walking Canton, MI Dog Walking Plymouth, MI Dog Walking Northville, MI Dog Walking Novi, MI Dog Walking Belleville, MI Dog Walking South Lyon, MI Dog Walking Westland, MI Dog Walking Livonia, MI Dog Walking Garden [...]

Home security and pet sitting

What steps do we take at Zen Paws Pet Sitting to keep your home safe and secure when we are pet siting? https://youtu.be/l27y4rWc8As   New Service Areas: Pet Sitting Canton, MI Pet Sitting Plymouth, MI Pet Sitting Northville, MI Pet Sitting Novi, MI Pet Sitting Belleville, MI Pet Sitting South Lyon, MI Pet Sitting Westland, [...]

Procedures for walking big dogs

When walking bigger dogs, Zen Paws Pet Sitting has special precautions they take to keep their pet sitters and your puppies safe. We match the sitter with your pets, do a meet and greet, and in some cases walk multiple larger dogs separately.   https://youtu.be/RtWkSeXo58g Now serving: Dog Walking Canton, MI Dog Walking Plymouth, MI [...]

We service all types of animals!

Why a pet sitter? Some animals you can't take to a kennel and we can care for them in your home, in their own environment. https://youtu.be/bJAo4FVv-z4 Now serving: Dog Walking Canton, MI Dog Walking Plymouth, MI Dog Walking Northville, MI Dog Walking Novi, MI Dog Walking Belleville, MI Dog Walking South Lyon, MI Dog Walking [...]