Overnight Pet Sitting

Meet Bentley!

Spotlight on Bentley day!!!   https://youtu.be/WHvI3tvm-EA   Now serving: Dog Walking Canton, MI Dog Walking Plymouth, MI Dog Walking Northville, MI Dog Walking Novi, MI Dog Walking Belleville, MI Dog Walking South Lyon, MI Dog Walking Westland, MI Dog Walking Livonia, MI Dog Walking Garden City, MI Dog Walking Farmington, MI Dog Walking Farmington Hills, [...]

Safety procedures for entering your home.

What do we do to keep your home and pet safe when you are providing you service? Watch this video to see.... https://youtu.be/dHlejuzOkSo Now serving: Dog Walking Canton, MI Dog Walking Plymouth, MI Dog Walking Northville, MI Dog Walking Novi, MI Dog Walking Belleville, MI Dog Walking South Lyon, MI Dog Walking Westland, MI Dog [...]

How do we compare?

How do we compare? At Zen Paws Pet Sitting we pride ourselves in providing premium services for an affordable price. We constantly shop our competition to see where we stand and intentionally price our services on the lower side of the scale. Currently we are $4.00 less than our highest priced competitor per visit, and [...]

No one likes to pick up the yard waste, let us do it for you.

Yard pick up Yard Pick up is done at a minimum of every other visit. This is a basic service that, when done through us, is far less expensive than bringing in another provider. It is done during your basic visit and in accordance with your instructions. We can scoop into your container with your tools [...]

Who will water your plants when you’re on vacation?

With in home Pet Sitting services through Zen Paws Pet Sitting, we water your plants while your'e out of town. During overnights or for vacation visits, we will follow instructions from the home owner regarding the watering of indoor and outdoor plants for no additional charge. This is a nice service to have and not something [...]

Does your dog need command training?

Does your dog need some command training? Leash and Command Training adds 15 minutes to the basic 30 minute walk/visit. Our sitters are trained to offer traditional leash training with treats, starting with basic training like clicker, sit, heal and building to more advanced commands and tricks. This is great for both young and senior [...]

How is your potty training?

How's your dog's potty training? Potty Training is done in conjunction with basic visits. This service is completed by rewarding the pet(s) for good behavior with treats and love. Treats are pulled before the visit by the sitter, and are used to reward the good behavior. We suggest using your pet’s current food morsels to keep their [...]