What is Pet Sitting?

When we arrive, we will greet your pet(s) and give them some love so they will feel comfortable with us. If an animal is afraid, we will take our time to make the pet feel comfortable. Then our first priority is to take them for a walk or let them out to relieve themselves, as specified. We will then follow instructions provided by the owner. After the visit, we will enter notes into the mobile app and secure the pet, as required. If requested, photos will be added to the notes. We will assure that we have locked the door when we leave. After a customer’s vacation, we make sure to have confirmation of their safe arrival home. If we do not receive a message, we will call or stop by the home at the next (un-scheduled) visit time to make sure that a pet is never left un-attended. Our pet sitters will not eat or smoke in your home and will only use the restroom if absolutely necessary. No one other than the scheduled pet sitter will enter your home.

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