Dog Walker

Do you want your dog to live longer and have a healthier life?

ImmunoShroom™ is a powerhouse supplement that supports overall immune function, provides potent antioxidant support, and keeps cells functioning optimally for your pets. It contains a proprietary blend of five species of medicinal and adaptogenic mushrooms, along with a combination of antioxidant-rich ingredients providing total immune system support for your pet. Elevate your pet’s health and [...]

Have you seen all the pet food recalls on the news recently? Does it worry you?

Have you seen all the pet food recalls on the news recently? Does it worry you? If you are interested in a quality pet food, that has never been recalled, that is made in a human grade factory check out our partner Life's Abundance. I pasted a link below. What we like aobu them is [...]

Have you seen all the pet food recalls on the news recently?

Have you seen all the pet food recalls on the news recently? Does it worry you? If you are interested in a quality pet food, that has never been recalled, that is made in a human grade factory check out our partner Life's Abundance. I pasted a link below. What we like aobu them is [...]

What you need to know to keep you dog healthy in 2024

What you need to know to keep your dog healthy in 2024   We received this information from one of our veterinary partners; You may have heard recent news about a contagious respiratory disease affecting dogs across the United States. As your partner in protecting your pet’s health, we wanted to share some tips to [...]

Leash training / walking

Do you have issues with your dog pulling, being distracted or barking and being agressive to other dogs or people? Basic training has the foundation of repetition. What we do with our clients and suggest is to bring treats and create a distraction. Like sit as a command is a great distraction. You can practice [...]

Are you worried about canine flu?

It's canine flu season? How we keep your pets safe..   New Service Areas: Pet Sitting Canton, MI Pet Sitting Plymouth, MI Pet Sitting Northville, MI Pet Sitting Novi, MI Pet Sitting Belleville, MI Pet Sitting South Lyon, MI Pet Sitting Westland, MI Pet Sitting Livonia, MI Pet Sitting Garden City, MI Pet [...]